About Me

Welcome to "jayoid"!

I'm Jayanta Majumder, and I'm a mathematician with a passion for solving complex problems and exploring the beauty of abstract concepts. I'm excited to share my knowledge and expertise with you on this platform.

With a master's in applied mathematics, I have dedicated my career to studying the intricacies of mathematical theories and their practical applications. Throughout my 11 years of experience in the field, I have tackled a wide range of mathematical problems and have made significant contributions to the field through my research.

My research interests include HTML, JAVA, CSS etc., and I am committed to advancing the field through innovative and cutting-edge work. I'm going to publish several papers in renowned mathematical journals.

On this website, you will find a range of resources related to my work, including my publications, presentations, and courses. Whether you're a fellow mathematician looking to collaborate or a student seeking to learn more about the field, I am here to help.

In addition to my work in mathematics, I am also passionate about machine learning and AI, and I believe that a well-rounded approach to life is essential for achieving balance and fulfillment. I am also committed to sharing my knowledge and experience with the next generation of mathematicians and enjoy mentoring young students who are just starting to explore the field.

Thank you for visiting my website, and I look forward to connecting with you soon!

If, you have any suggestion, about "jayoid", please let me know in comment section.

Thank You!

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